Ljubljana Rimska cesta 17 069-920-085 Ponedeljek-Petek: 15:00-19:00
Sobota: 11:00-14:00
Koper Pristaniška ulica 3 069 707 161 Pon-Sre-Pet: 15:00-19:00
Tor-Čet-Sob: ZAPRTO
Maribor Ulica Vita Kraigherja 5, TPC CITY 069 646 084 Ponedeljek-Petek: 12:00-17:00
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Bowl HK Alien

Bowl HK Alien



Bowl HK Cloud

Bowl HK Cloud



Bowl HK Killer

Bowl HK Killer



Bowl HK Red clay standard
Bowl HK Red clay Turkish
Bowl HK white clay standard
Bowl HK white clay Turkish
Charcoal Tongs XK

Charcoal Tongs XK



Silicone tube Soft touch, black

Silicone tube Soft touch, black

Soft, but rather thick and not bending, with Soft Touch coating - thanks to which the hose remains c..


Showing 1 to 9 of 9 (1 Pages)
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